Duke of Edinburgh
Open Gold Lowland Expeditions
Duke of Edinburgh - Open Gold Lowland Expeditions
Gold Lowland Expeditions
Expeditions will be based in the Ashdown Forest Area.
We combine your Expedition Training & Practice Expedition into a 5-day programme consisting of 2 days training and a 3-day, 2-night Expedition.
You will be camping at our base camp during the training and at different remote sites during the Practice Expedition.
Your assessed Expedition will also be a 5-day programme. Day 1 will be an acclimatisation and route planning day before you head off on expedition for 4 days, 3 nights where you will camp at different remote sites each night.
Our Lowland Gold expeditions cost £205 per expedition (£410 for both Practice & Assessed). Expedition Kit hire is included in the cost for participants who require it.
Participants will need to provide their own transport to / from the expedition as well as provide their own food for the expedition. We can arrange collection from Tonbridge Railway Station if needed.
We are offering the following dates for Local Gold Expeditions in 2025: -
· 5th – 9th April 2025 – Ashdown Forest
· 19th – 23rd July 2025 – Ashdown Forest
· 26th – 30th July 2025 – Ashdown Forest
· 18th – 22nd August 2025 – Ashdown Forest
· 18th – 22nd October 2025 – Ashdown Forest
We can accommodate both those requiring a Practice or Assessed Expedition on any of the above dates.
As these are open expeditions, participants should note the following points: -
· There must be enough applicants to make viable teams (minimum 4) for the expedition to go ahead.
· As an individual, you may be placed in a team with people you have not met before.
· Where friends apply together, we do our best to keep them in the same team. If you wish to request to be with others, pelase e-mail us at dofe@theeducationpeople.org with the names of who you want to be with once you have made your booking.
· The maximum number of participants in a team is 7, we will allocate teams of 7 as much as possible.