Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh - Open Gold Wild Country Expeditions
What to expect
Expeditions will be based in South Wales in the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountains areas.
We combine your Expedition Training & Practice Expedition into a 5-day programme consisting of 2 days training and a 3-day, 2-night Expedition. You will be camping at our base camp during the training and at different remote sites during the Practice Expedition.
Your assessed Expedition will also be a 5-day programme. Day 1 will be an acclimatisation and route planning day before you head off on expedition for 4 days, 3 nights where you will camp at different remote sites each night.
Participants would need to be at our Base venue in the Merthyr Tydfil area ready for a 9.30am start on Day 1. A lift from Merthyr Tydfil railway station, leaving at 9am can be provided for those who wish to travel by train. On the final day, we would expect participants to finish their expedition between 4pm and 5pm. A lift back to Merthyr Tydfil station can once again be provided if required.
Our Wild Country expeditions cost £300 per expedition (£600 for both Practice & Assessed). Expedition Kit hire is included in the cost for participants who require it.
The cost above does not include transport to or from the Expedition Areas or Food for the duration of your expedition, both of which participants are responsible for arranging themselves.
We are offering the following dates for Wild Country Expeditions in 2025: -
- 4 – 8 August 2025 – Practice Expedition - Brecon Beacons / Black Mountains
- 27 – 31 August 2025 – Assessed Expedition - Brecon Beacons / Black Mountains
Please contact us at DofE@theeducationpeople.org if you have any questions.